Friday, October 18, 2013

Breastfeeding Week: Susu ibu cair sebab susu tak berkualiti?

Pernah dengar orang cakap susu ibu cair sebab susu tak berkualiti? Susu tak berkualiti nanti baby minum tak kenyang or tak membesar or membulat macam baby lain katanya.


Susu yang cair ni sebenarnya foremilk, susu yang terkumpul di depan dan yang mula-mula keluar setiap kali baby menyusu. Susu ni rendah kandungan lemaknya, tapi kaya dengan carbohydrate, proteinn dan vitamins.

Susu yang pekat pulak hindmilk, susu yang terkumpul paling belakang dan kaya dengan kandungan lemak.

Macam mana foremilk boleh terhasil?

When the milk is produced it passes the alveoli (milk producing cells). Most of the fat in the milk then sticks on the back side of these, resulting in hind milk and the rest of the milk collects in the front of the alveoli. (less fatty foremilk)
So the fat actually just becomes stuck further back in the breast's alveoli, and this is what causes the large difference between the milk in the beginning of a feed and the milk at the end. The fat content in the milk increases gradually during a feed as the fat globules are released from the alveoli.
The longer Mom waits between feedings, the more foremilk is allowed to collect and the longer it will take before baby receives the hind milk.
The high lactose level found in the foremilk is important for energy and brain development and also quenches baby’s thirst. The hind milk is important for growth and helps baby feel full. [Source]

Kesimpulannya, salah statement kat atas tu. Susu cair bukan sebab susu tak berkhasiat, tapi aku tengok ramai je penjual-penjual luar sana yang gunakan statement ni as marketing strategy diaorang untuk tarik pelanggan. Don't get me wrong, aku tak marah korang nak berjual tapi janganlah spread the wrong fact yang membuatkan orang fikir breastfeeding ni macam susah and leceh benar.

Kepada ibu-ibu dan bakal ibu, rajin-rajinkan lah diri membaca. Tak rugi menambah ilmu, sekurang-kurangnya korang boleh buat informed decision instead of buta-buta percaya cakap orang, tapi nanti last-last stress and sakit hati sebab tak menjadi.

1 comment:

ajan said...

and susu cair / tak cair juga depends on musim. Kalau panas sangat temperature body will adjust accordingly to quench their thirst first.


Masih lagi tak boleh pickup pumping steam. Sadis.