waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. my dream wedding dress will stay as a dream!! sob sob sob.. turn out i was right, kak nana doesn't know how to make that dress.. sakit hati, sakit jiwa.. i want that dress!! i NEED that dress!! what pisses me off is the fact that i emailed her the picture last week and received no reply till today.. so i msg the husband asking for update.. kalau aku tak tanya, 2 hari before wedding baru nk inform ke apa? heee nak business ke tanak? tension aku!!
apa nak buat?
1. survey tailor kat sini?
2. cari design lain?
1. nak survey tailor bukan senang especially since hari raya is fast approacing.. i bet most of them will turn me down.. 2 months to hari raya and 3 months to my wedding.. sob sob.. the price is another issue.. maunye dorg nk 7-8 ratus for that beaded lace kan.. camtu wedding dress je dh 2k.. crazee eh mau spent like that for a wedding dress... kalau duit jatuh dr langit, aku g kat lynda rahim je.. dekat je ngn rumah aku ni.. senang!! honey, birthday present sy tahun ni g tempah baju kat lynda rahim boleh? hihihi
2. cari design lain? tamau tamau.. nak itu jugak.. dah berbulan2 aku survey tuk baju.. byk mmg la byk, tp semua common je.. kebaya labuh, kebaya pendek.. aaa buring buring!! i want something different!! aku kan jadi permaisuri sehari je seumur hidup.. i have a few other design im interested in tp aku tak rasa dia leh buat jugak.. so mcm mana? nak baju itew jugak!!
so kesimpulannye, saya perlu pulang ke kg halaman end of this month to decide on the caterer and menu.. and to finalize my wedding dress and to submit borang mak nenek all..
untuk menghappykan diri sendiri, here's my color palette for my akad nikah..

yes, we are not wearing white for akad because we want something different and my mom told me after na wedding "pls dont go for white for akad. it's soooo common nowadays. boring!" there's no particular reason on why we settle on teal.. i just went to EuroModa and fall in love with the chiffon.. haha owh and we have no intention what-so-ever when we set foot in that shop, terbeli aje.. kuang kuang kuang..
hehe.. saya hanya menurut perintah!