Last year he fall sick on the day of his field trip so dapat biscuit and souvenir je from his aunty. This year dia dah pandai.. so he's super excited. He started counting the days since last week lagi.. everyday masa ambik dia from school, he keeps repeating the same mantra, "mummy 2 more days holiday, 1 more day school, then Kidzania!!"
Semalam dah pesan kat dia macam macam.. Jangan lari-lari. Jangan main kejar-kejar with Ihsan. Jangan jalan jauh-jauh. Stay in the group. Hold your friends hand. Listen to Aunty. Don't accept ice cream or candy or chocolate from strangers (ini still in doubt sebab budak ni agak friendly dengan orang sekeliling). Tell aunty if you want to pee.. and I kept repeating it over and over again sampai naik stress anak bujang aku hahaha I cannot help it, I'm overprotective. Kalau ikut hati, rasa nak amik cuti and tag along.
This morning, dia bangun sendiri, earlier than he normally would. Takde kacau adik. Terus masuk bilik air, makan cepat-cepat cause "I have to come early today, and I have to find empty seat on the bus" hihihihi tak minta oat mummy, takde makan sambil main-main. a very peaceful morning for me and Laiqa!!

My handsome big boy!! Mulut murai sangat, pok pek pok pek tak larat aku nak melayan! dah dalam bas nak balik dah dia tu.. Balik karang ni, sah-sah mulut tak diam cerita kisah Kidzania dia.
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