finally i've made it to Bukit Tinggi.. haha mcm jauh je nk pegi anyway this is an adhoc plan made by my other half and his colleague for the weekend..
their main reason is to take picture.. and my main reason are to learn how to use my toy :) we agreed to meet at BP at 3 but somehow we arrived around 3.30 hehe sorry Teoh.. Maliki la want to eat first!! hihihi and we reach there at around 4.30.. first stop was the Japanese Garden.. we have to climb a very steep hill to reach the garden.. this is my one and only workout session for that week.. oopps~
both Jenn and i rent the Kimono and posed for our photog around the garden.. eh, i tot im supposed to learn how to take picture not how to pose kan? haha no prob, im all too happy to be the model of the day ;p
as it started to drizzle, we make our way to Colmar the French village.. whee.. im so happy cause i've been seeing picture of my friend going there.. i wish we stay overnight.. bestnye kalau dpt stay kat situ.. honey, one of these day we have to go again ok honey? we can't do much here as it started to drizzle..
we left around 7, hunting for tom yam haha initially we wanted to go to Klang for seafood but since it's too far we agreed to go for Tom Yam in Sri Gombak.. due to some technical difficulty (Amir accidently take the wrong turn, we end up on Duke!! ), we reach Sri Gombak 2 1/2 hours later.. hahahah kalau g Klang pun dah sampai ;p
the food sucks accept for Pari Bakar (thanks to the delicious sambal).. the sotong masak tepung looks more like cucur sotong.. hish!! and the portion is soooo2 small.. we ordered for 2 people and there's only what? 12 pieces? lucky i was so happy about the trip i dont complain much bout the food.. plus i dont want to make amir and the wife feel bad for choosing this place.. altho honey did say he will never feel guilty kikiki..
so enjoy the picture y'all :)
the climb!
Japanese GardenThe "bersopan" Geisha ;p
The not so "bersopan" Japanese!
Colmar Tropicale.. the happy kid playing with the cold water!!
yeay!! we're in Bukit Tinggi at last!