Monday, June 22, 2009

dream shattered part 2??

Remember this post Dream shattered? That's part one.this is a different dream totally!! and since i managed to get the hall in the end, i'm hoping that i'll get to wear my dream dress on my wedding day.. *sigh

I’ve done a lot of survey on wedding dress even before we decided to get married.. so when the day arrives, I have a design in mind. Unfortunately, I have to forgo the dress I fell in love with because it’s not a traditional dress and I can foresee my mom’s reaction upon seeing the dress. No offense honey, but I don’t think you’ll agree to my choice either haha

so I settle on my second best.. with a picture of that dress in mind, I search high and low for the lace right here in Malaysia due to the lack of fund to fly off to Jakarta for it.. mind you, it’s the most difficult search ever hehe cause I saw ilah’s sister in law kebaya for her akad nikah and I love it!! I gave up on my dream dress, I’m not gonna give up on my dream lace!! honey was patient enough to follow me to all the textile shop that cross my path.. Thank you!

So finally last month, I found the lace of my dream!! It’s a bit pricey but I really really love it!

We went back last weekend to send it to the tailor and this evening she text me, informing me the lace I bought is not enough… huh??? Just my luck, heee! I complaint to honey and after further discussion, we decided to go for a different design as I’m not willing to part with more $$.. Obviously my dream dress came to mind! I sent him the picture forewarning him that he might not like the design. To my surprise he loves it! I so love u!!

Finger cross, I’m gonna email the picture to my tailor and I really hope they can make it!!


hazreen said...

jelesssnyeee bleh g shopping barang kawen sama2.. adeh...

Harlaney said...

hehehe jgn jeles2... sopping sama2 ni byk dugaannye ;p