Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mika's Milestone 0-3m

Motor Development

     Opens and shuts his hands - checked
     Raises his head and chest while lying on his stomach - check
     Stretches her legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back - check
     Supports her upper body with her arms when lying on stomach - check
     Swats at dangling toys placed near him - check
     Mouths objects brought to her face - check
     Reaches and grasps for things with both hands - check
     Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface - check
     Can hold a rattle - check

Visual Development

     Watches faces intently - check
     Turns head toward direction of sound - check 
     Follows moving objects with his eyes - check
     Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance - check 
Language Development

     Begins to imitate some sounds.
     Begin to babble - check

Social/Emotional Development

     Reacts when you sing, call his name, or attempt to play - check
     Imitates you when you stick out your tongue.
     Enjoys playing with other people; may cry when playing stops - check
     Becomes more communicative with face and body - check

     Imitates your movements.
     Smiles! Grins! - check

Cognitive Development

     Stares at her hands and fingers - check
     Plays with her fingers - check
     Brings his hands to his mouth - check
     Has accustomed to regular eating and sleeping patterns - check

time flies when ur having fun!! sooo true~ haih si kenit ni cepat sangat membesar, i missed those days bila dia nangis time nak minum or nappy basah je.. tapi sekarang dah besar dah pandai main.. sangat comel and buat mummy geram rasa nak krenyek krenyek je!! sekarang dah pandai buat suara serak2 itik serati... tapi kalau lapar or ngantuk, suara kalah altec lansing!!

p/s: saya dah pandai tertonggeng2 angkat montot dah.. and dah boleh bergulat-gulat~~ gear reverse and drive pun dah boleh jugak!!


hazreen said...

hahahah.. aku pun nak buat jugak laa check list ni... tapi uyin belum boleh meniarap sendiri laa.. takpe ke ha? iskk

Harlaney said...

takpe la weh.. tiap baby lain2 achievement dia.. ada lambat ada cepat.. jangan risau.. aku rasa mika cam cepat sbb selalu kene buli muahahaha

Ace said...

Hahaha... mika so comel ;).