Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2 happy years!

Alhamdulillah, we've achieved our two years target!

The journey that begins with various challenges, is becoming increasingly easy though there are still some bumps along the way. Thank you Mika and daddy for helping and supporting me along the way.. Alhamdulillah murah rezeki Mika dapat menyusu sampai sekarang~

Current stock.. dah tinggal 4 tupperware jek sobs

Now that we have reached the two years milestone, I only manage to bring home 8-9oz of milk. Cukup untuk supply harian Mika walaupun kadang-kadang kene topup dengan stok peti . Malas nak meningkatkan production sebab I'm planning to wean off dear son walaupun hati still berbelah bagi. I want to stop but I am not ready. hahaha complicated kan?? Mika? Lagi lah tak ready. Sometimes before bed, when he asked for milk aku cakap takde susu malam ni, nanti dia start menangis. Lepas tu macam burung kakak tua keep on repeating, "susu... susu... *cry*cry* susu.. susu..." acanne nak wean off ni?

So current plan dah berubah, I will keep on pumping to maintain my stock and production and at the same time I will introduce him to fresh milk. Once dia dah ok dengan fresh milk, I can stop my pumping routine!! Yahoooo, no more dragging the pump bag to office~ harapnya berjaya la achieve all this in 6 months.. 

Mika and susu tak dapat dipisahkan.. Aksi menyusu Mika masa turun dari Mount Wellington. hip hop sangat!

Based on my experience, aku cuma boleh advice mommies yang nak breastfeed, be prepared both mentally and physically. Then rajin-rajinkan diri membaca pasal breastfeeding and get a good support system (husband, fb groups..etc). Lepas tu usaha, usaha, usaha and tawakal. Tak lupa jugak rajin-rajin la mengepam. InsyaAllah boleh. kalau dah usaha pun tak boleh jugak, jangan la stress-stress.. at least korang dah cuba buat yang terbaik tapi takde rezeki kan..

Btw, group FB yang aku recommend sangat-sangat korang add - TBAN (The Breastfeeding Advocates Network). Member-member dia very supportive, kalau korang kene topup dengan formula pun diorang tak jump macam member-member KIM. Member-member KIM ni lebih hardcore, sila masuk at your own risk huhuhu.

Last but not least, to celebrate my achievement, I'm going to declare this week as my breastfeeding week.. hahaha #over so this week korang akan nampak entry pasal breastfeeding je la harap maklum.

p/s: To all mommies to be, if you decided to breastfeed your baby.. good luck in your journey. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 


ajan said...

Aih. Jeles.

Harlaney said...

aih jgn jeles.. ko dah buat yg terbaik.. sampai skrg bf lagi apa.. ok la tu