Monday, November 30, 2015

Brainy Bunch Annual Concert 2015

It was an emotional night for me.. I am bursting with pride watching my son on stage.. Reciting his surah, singing and dancing confidently.. Tiba-tiba je bergenang air mata. With all his antic in school, I really don't know what to expect, all i want is for him to just enjoy himself. Baru nampak what he can do and achieve at such young age. Aku dulu2 setakat hafal surah pendek jek pon dah bangga gile. Doa dhuha pon tak tau oii. Bila anak pandai doa dhuha baru terkedek2 nak g belajar.

They started practising few months back.. From time to time, aku selalu request Mika menyanyi or baca surah tuk concert tp most time he will refuse.

"Saya tak tahu lah" was his normal answer.

Kalau mood baik, he will sing the finale song "we are here" by Alicia Keys. Yes Alicia Keys hahaha i seriously thought it's just a new song made by the school sebab this one time aku try search for the song tapi tak jumpa.. Hahaha but of course i was searching for "we are here for all the bird", because thats's how he sings the song

sebenar-benarnya, aku pun tak pernah tanya lebih2 kat his aunty. Just tanya berapa banyak performance dia participate. And knowing him, aku berdoa dia tak jadi patung cendana je atas stage tu hihihi

Kami dah sampai awal, but instead of masuk dewan terus, dear husband sibuk nak makan dulu.. Masuk-masuk je dah penuh kat depan.. Kene la duduk jauh!! Dah la mata aku ni spero sikit, nak cari dia atas stage punya la seksa.. Kene turun bawah baru nampak.. Thn depan beli zoom lense ye cik abang hahah senang nak zoom kasi clear~

fashion show by playschool kids sangat comel budak-budak nih

Before leaving him to his aunty, i told him to enjoy the night and sing loudly hahaha sebab selama ni sumpah aku ingat dia ni jenis malu-malu kucing sebab dalam class alim group nak buka mulut nak menyanyi and menari pon susah. tapi elok je dia atas stage tu, kemain bersemangat lagi.

Budak ni orang bising menjerit-jerit pon dia tido lena

with one of his bff, paling kanan sekali.. tak sure sign apa dorg buat tapi aku tau Mika is showing his age hahaha sebab selalu request aku amik gambar gini. this bff is moving next year, tu yang semangat bergambar bagai.

with aunty Yati. his class teacher. tq Yati, for being so patient, mengajar Mika yang banyak peel ni.

I really love what they did for their concert. Selalunya, sekolah dah siap-siap prepare all the fancy costume for performance tapi in BBIM ni dorang order a standard long pants and long sleeve shirt je untuk semua. They are giving the uncle and aunty a blank canvas to work with. They are free to use their own creativity to decorate the costume mengikut thema lagu yang dorang buat.

we enjoyed the night.. till next year!!
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